Tag Archives: joy

You’re Free.

This song was so in my heart today. I wanted to share it with you… and also this.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Gal5:1


Have you ever felt like there was just a recurring temptation or issue in your life that wouldn’t go away? You’ve struggled with it in the past, and may have even given in, but now you’re in Christ and you want freedom. However, even with all of your joy in the Lord, a new thought and that old familiar feeling come to your mind. You cast it down and keep moving. But not long after, another new thought, the same feeling. You rebuke it, you keep moving, but you begin to wonder… am I really free of this thing?

You still move forward, but the same thing happens. Another thought, that same old feeling returns. You begin to question God’s work in your life. You resist it, but now you feel less secure. Another round of temptation returns, and now you’re sure it’s you. That you have this trouble, this issue, this problem. Clearly the perversion lies in you, and now that you’re sure, you do all you can to “get free” – because clearly, you weren’t free before.

You pray, you fast, you seek His face. Perhaps you’ve even just given up and given in. Either way, your hope for freedom has now been hurt, and there’s a growing suspicion that perhaps you’ll never be free.

God is so good 🙂

First and foremost, Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world. The devil is a liar, and the Lord showed me something today that I had not seen or considered in fullness before. Please, walk with me.

The devil himself is not a creator. I’ve become more convinced over time that with the exception of inspiring, or “creating”, wrong thoughts, the devil can only work with what’s already in existence. So if we sense that there is something in us that’s in common with the enemy, or that the enemy has a hook in us somewhere, chances are he is using something in you that already existed. If he can’t use whatever it may be to pull you into sin, he’ll try to use it to pull you into guilt, shame, or
despair. However, the Lord has shown me something that brings hope to the light again.

The reality is, when you have had or struggled with any kind of active sin in your life, (including in your mind) even though you are cleansed of it and are totally free in Christ Jesus, any participation in the sinful nature leaves behind memories. These memories are most strongly connected to our feelings, or emotions, and from this point forward, I will call them “feeling-memories”. Feeling memories become etched on the soul, the same way music is somehow etched onto a record. Although you are free of remembering a lot of the pictures or exact words/details associated with many of those memories (praise God!), there can often be the feelings themselves that remain. Our emotions are what most get damaged in the soul realm, and they can inflict a powerful influence upon our thought-life (the mind), which then too impacts our will, whether we want it to or not.

What the devil then does is comes and superimposes his perversion – “twisted” or “opposite of what they should be “thoughts, which can trigger images with ease – upon those existing feeling-memories. By doing that, he tries to manipulate the person into thinking that the new thoughts being superimposed onto the old feeling-memory is something new, or based in their present reality. If he can confuse the person into thinking it’s something present (i.e. like a present desire, etc), he will then try to lure them into thinking that the perversion itself is real and in them versus being somthing that he’s trying to impress,
impose upon, or bring against them in their soul. (Does that make sense? Leave me some comments if it’s not clear to you or email me at gdan1201@gmail.com.)

However, this is the Good News of God: If you can recognize and separate the fact that the feeling-memory is not part of your present reality, but was created in the past, and that the perversion is not something in you, but is of the devil, then you can come against the temptation in Christ Jesus’ life, and stand firm against anything the devil is trying to bring you into be it shame or even acting on the thought itself. It is important then, however, to bring the feeling-memory to God for healing. Once the feeling-memory is healed in Christ Jesus, it will no longer be an area in your soul that the enemy can use to manipulate you with.

But you might ask, how does healing come for a feeling-memory? What I have found is that faith and healing have much to do with understanding and receiving God’s life into that area. Anyone who has ever been pulled into sin or perversion started on that path in their minds first. There had to be some level of misinformation or misunderstanding happening, and eventually it led them away from God’s life. Even Lucifer himself was deceived before he fell. Adam and Eve did not understand what death fully meant, why the tree of life was so much more valuable than the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and to some degree, they were still learning about the absolute certainty of God’s word and goodness. So when the serpent came and tempted Eve, he used deception, and in deceiving her with misinformation that played on her misunderstanding of
the situation, she was lead away in her thought-life first. This, coupled with emotions that were starting to grow from the wrong
thoughts, caused her to act out, apart from the life of God, and take from the wrong tree. Thankfully, God had a plan, and as we know, He is accomplishing it even now.

God always informs that which is real. In other words, He brings understanding, gets rid of misinformation and false assumptions to get to the truth. Every sin is created out of first misinformation and misunderstanding or false assumption (James 1:15); so that is the place the Lord has to go back and inform in our hearts and pour His life into in order to heal the source of where the feeling-memory ultimately came out of.

Today, the Lord did this very practically in my life. Although I won’t go into much detail, I will say that when I was younger, I struggled with issues surrounding sexuality and my personal sexuality. This is a difficult area for many people. I had a lot of wrong thoughts and confusion, and as mentioned, sin is naturally birthed from those things. The things I did apart from God’s life left me with damaged feeling-memories that at any point after receiving Christ Jesus fully into my heart would make me feel very ashamed. (Shame, btw is never of God, and is an indicator that something isn’t right on the inside of us.) Before
today, I had not received full healing for those feeling-memories that were created in the past, and so, the devil could still bring them up in my mind at opportune times for him to superimpose a new thought related to my present reality on the old feeling-memory. What does that look like you may wonder? For example, say you’ve struggled with tobacco addiction in the past. Perhaps there’s a feeling-memory in you that causes you to still FEEL a desire for tobacco, even though the desire
itself does not really exist in your heart in Christ Jesus. The devil will come along, and in an opportune setting, dredge up that old feeling-memory associated with that desire and perhaps superimpose a thought or image on it of you sitting in your present-day bedroom enjoying a smoke. Notice, the feeling-memory itself may have been created years ago in an entirely different setting. But if the feeling-memory itself has not been healed, it remains in you, and the enemy can wait for the right time to re-trigger it and simultaneously superimpose a thought or image onto it that relates to your present reality. This makes it look like you are presently desiring a smoke (in this example), when in fact, you aren’t and in truth, want nothing to do with it. Make sense?

So before, when I did not see that the feeling-memory was really based in the past and not in my present reality, I would feel ashamed, as if “that issue” the feeling-memory pointed to was still a present issue I had. But today, when one such thought came to my mind, instead of running from it, I turned to look at why that feeling-memory had ever existed. I sought the Lord, and He showed me where my misunderstanding had always been in that area, and why, unfortunately, so many people
fall into a similar trap. (I’ll talk about it in another blog later) Once I understood the source of where my confusion had always been in that area, I was free in my thought-life of feeling like I would always have to struggle with that wrong desire. I was also free to recognize that in God’s life, that desire no longer existed in me. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.
Although the enemy still tried to bring up shame because it was always so strongly attached to that old feeling-memory, the Lord spoke to me very clearly and said, “Sweetheart, you’re free.” Now, by faith in Christ’s life in me, and with understanding, I not only know with certainty that I am free of that old issue, but I never have to fear or worry about acting out on it or it overtaking me one day. In fact, this is the operation of God’s grace in your life – God’s life working in you to will and do unto His good pleasure. For as the Word says, sin has no dominion over those who live under the freedom of God’s grace. I also
now understand God better, myself better, and others better, as well. God is good 🙂

All in all, Christ Jesus came that we would have freedom. He doesn’t want us to remain in bondage to anything the devil tries to throw at us. Freedom is available to you today and in every moment in Christ Jesus. The keys here are to draw close to God and stay close to the Lord. Love Him and know how He feels about things (this can be found in His Word). When things come to the surface that the enemy is trying to bring against you, instead of running from those things, present those things
to God and ask the Lord where any confusion or misunderstanding may be, and He will show you. Once you know and realize you are free, stay free, and carry your freedom in Christ Jesus to those around you 🙂

Love and Be Blessed!!

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“[and Jesus said,] ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.'” John 15:5


God is good 🙂

In the movie “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”, one of the main characters (if not the main character) is a chimpanzee named Ceasar. (Please humor my quick explanation if you’ve seen the movie already.) Ceasar is given a brain-enhancing chemical that grants him super-intelligence at an astonishing rate. He’s taken into a man’s home where he is taught, cared for, and loved. Events transpire and sadly, Ceasar is transferred to a petting zoo of sorts full of abandoned apes. In one scene of interest, Ceasar is at a stand-off with a very corrupt facility worker who is trying to exert his rather cruel authority over Ceasar. In the instance of this scene, Ceasar looks at the guy and suddenly yells, “NO!” Everyone is shocked.

Ceasar has expressed “otherness”.

Otherness might not necessarily stand out to anyone in the scriptures on a first or even 50th reading of the Word. But God reveals His secrets. God is FAR from the cruel task master presented in the movie above. Yet, even though God, through Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-17), made all things, placed His life in them, and blessed them, He too had to contend with the issues of otherness.

The issue of otherness is distinctly related to the fact that for God to create a being beyond the extent of being a robot, He would have to chose to give them free will. This free will we experience, at it’s core, is not necessarily the choice to do right or wrong. Rather, in its most essential characteristic, free will is the freedom to choose to either live in the Life of God or apart from the Life of God. We see then why there can be no middle ground.

The issue of otherness first appeared in the heavens when Lucifer (aka. the devil) started having “issues”. Where were these issues coming from? He lived in the heavenly places. He was made to be a beautiful creation of God, holy, who stood in the presence of God. He knew God to a greater extent than we do when we are first born, and God knew him. Yet, the Word talks about him being deceived, even by his “own beauty”. This goes deeper than we imagine. His beauty here was not the primary issue because the Word says that God makes everything “beautiful” in its time. So beautification is of God. The problem was that word “own”, in relation to the self. His recognition of self. The perception of otherness, apart from the life of God.

Many things played into Lucifer manifesting his “otherness” in the way it came to pass. I could say many things about that, but what I will say is that from what I have seen in the Word and in experience, I believe that the desire for otherness over the Life of God essentially begins with misunderstanding and lack of revelation. The impetus of it tends to begin in the heart, but once it reaches the mind, it’s a disease that destroys the soul, draining it of God’s life and light. If the being who is experiencing the pull of otherness in their life does not receive the healing, truth, or reconciliation they desperately need in God and His life alone, it is only a matter of time before they step out and say “No” to God, just as Ceasar said no to the man in the movie. From there, apart from the life of God, only death, curse, and destruction remain. To be dead is to be devoid of life. Again, there is no in between.

The Life of God, the presence of Father God and Christ Jesus in our lives through Holy Spirit, is joy beyond comprehension 🙂 We are born disconnected from God’s life to a great degree, and we grow up living mostly out of the mind – the soul – shuffling between the knowledge of good and evil to guide us. Yet the Father is constantly drawing us to His life 🙂 He makes His life accessible to us through Christ Jesus, and through Christ Jesus alone. Christ Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and The Life, and apart from me, no one can come to the Father.” (John 14:6) This was more than just a sentimental expression from the Lord, but the reality of who He is as it relates to our existence. There’s much more to say on this – too much for this one post! But it’s important that we consider whose life we’re walking in 🙂 His life is always better ❤

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Humble Love

Dear Father God, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit,

Please help me to be humble enough to love myself, more. How dare I think less of myself than You think of me? How dare I not love myself the way You love, with the love You’ve given me?

(True Love)

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“Even if I don’t feel anything, one day I will live in the friut of this moment.”

Kim Walker on the fruit of Worshipping the Lord, even if you don’t ‘feel anything’ ❤

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Joy and Peace

Confess over yourself, “I will go forth in joy, and be led by peace”. God leads by peace; His joy is our strength.

Julie Mann, Culture Shock


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Thoughts on Acceleration

I was reflecting the other day on a personality ‘trap’, I should say, that would manifest itself from time to time as an impatient spirit. A desire to have things accelerated.

“QUICK!” “Boom!” “Go!!” – I loved (and to a certain extent, still do love) it when I saw things happening rapidly.

Sometimes there are moves in your life that happen very swiftly; but The Lord always has perfect timing. A perfect pace. And that is what I recognized I wanted my soul to come into submission to because only God knows fully what is to come, and only He knows it with perfect understanding. It’s His Love and Understanding that give me peace.

As I thought about why I seemed to ‘think’ that way at times, “watching movies” came to mind.

Before college, and especially before developing a relationship with Jesus Christ, Father God, and Holy Spirit, I was a huge movie buff. I watched movies all the time. It was probably my favorite past-time. And I especially loved scary movies. Of course later, I saw the repercussions of that, having to deal with fear and renewing my mind with the realities of Christ and not the realities portrayed in modern media; but before that, I really loved movies. And TV. (I’m not saying after you’re saved you should stop watching movies or TV – I’m just saying it’s not a huge part of my life anymore.)

We all know how movies and TV go. Snap-shots of life. Accelerated. Scenes. We don’t have to always wade through the waiting; the thought processes; the times spent just ‘being’.

In my life, there had been many times ‘spent being’, where I was very depressed. Deep, deep sadness lived on the inside of me. Grief from loss, rejection, and the spiritual grief that comes before the Lord makes His home in you. At one point, when I was thinking that perhaps I didn’t really want to have to live that long, I would imagine, “What if this moment was the last scene of my life?” Sometimes I would even see the credits rolling in my mind’s eye. It was, in a perverted way, an attempt to bring me peace when I had none about the future. It was a quieting mechanism, but it wasn’t from God. It was an attempt from the enemy of our soul to subvert my ability to think promising thoughts about my future. And it was that thought pattern that made me want to rush ahead, get it over with; and it surely did not acknowledge the work or sovereignty of God in my life.

But I realized the other day, that perhaps that’s why Jeremiah 29:11 literally leaped off the page at me when I first read it. The moment I read it was also the first time I really recognized that the Word of God was God speaking to me, today, and not just to who it was spoken to 1,000s of years ago. It was like my heart-beat skipped when I read,

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”

I did not realize it then (when I first read it), but I realized just recently, that before that, I had never really thought of God that way. Or rather, even, I had never really thought that He thought of me that way before. I had not realized, truly, before last year, that God cared so much about me that He actually had taken the time to individually script a story, a plan, for me, meant for my joy, my good, and the good of others. How many of us have had a full revelation of that in our hearts? It’s a powerful and life changing revelation to have. Faith always comes by hearing (or reading – i.e. receiving as truth) the Word of God in the Bible.

One thing the Lord has graciously taught me during my walk with Him is that the plans He has aren’t always going to happen immediatly. He doesn’t unfold all the details all at once, and He doesn’t unload on us the multitude of all He has planned for us at once – because honestly, it would be too much. His plans call for a daily walk with Him. A walk spent in love, connection, and unity with God. Proverbs says,

It is the Glory (honor, praise, radiance, right, essence) of God to conceal a matter; but it is the Glory of kings to search it out.

We who have been called or are in the process of being called to the Lord have been called a royal priesthood. We are the kings the Spirit of God is talking about in that scipture 🙂 And it has been a divine honor and pleasure for me to see each day the Lord has planned for me unfold – both the challenging and joyful days. There is much joy in endurance. Blessed are those who will endure for the joy set before them. Jesus did this very thing on the cross, and He is now eternally glorified!

God always has joy set before you. God’s love is never-ending. To trust God is really to understand that He LOVES you, and we know that from His Word, and the acts He has done for us. Don’t give up on the work of the Lord in your life!

Blessings and peace to you in Our Lord Jesus Christ ❤


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